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Nonfiction Manuscript Submission

As a hybrid publisher, we accept both solicited and unsolicited nonfiction and fiction manuscripts, and authors are required to financially invest in the publishing and marketing of their books.

In return, our royalty rates are nearly 10x the industry average on a per-book basis.

To begin submission, please merge your query letter and manuscript into one file and complete the form. If you do not have a manuscript, a query letter will suffice.

We will review your details and contact you within three business days with our decision.

Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Protection

By submitting your manuscript to The Author's Journey platform, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

1. The Author's Journey and its authorized personnel commit to maintaining the confidentiality of all submitted materials. 

2. The Author's Journey agrees not to disclose, distribute, or use any unpublished work or ideas submitted to the platform without explicit permission from the author.

3. The Author's Journey will only use submitted materials for the stated purpose of reviewing your manuscript.

4. If we do not proceed with an agreement, your manuscript will be permanently deleted from our system within three (3) days. 

5. The Author's Journey acknowledges that all intellectual property rights remain with the submitting author.

6. Any breach of this confidentiality agreement by The Author's Journey may result in potential legal action.

By uploading your manuscript, you indicate your acceptance of these terms.